2014年10月26日 — First copy the url above to a text editor then enter your business name as a search. To do that just take your business name and insert a plus ...
2011年7月27日 — The +1 button is similar to a Facebook like, a Digg, or a Thumbs up on StumbledUpon. Its a way of sharing with everyone that you like, recommend ...
This is a tiny module of google plus button. It allows you to add a google plus button for your site withing a while without even a single line of code.
2013年11月18日 — 3 Answers 3 · I assign variables to the document.URL and document. · I write a named function (I called mine, socialShare ) that is set to run ...
Step 1: Select the button you like, Copy the corresponding button code and paste it to the your website's theme template (at the place where you want the button ...
We're working on a +1 button that you can put on your pages too, making it easy for people to recommend your content on Google search without leaving your site.